It is not distinctive from other black shepherds. It is the pure breeding of German shepherds with dominant black color. Moreover, according to the American kennel club’s search, their breeding standards are similar to a German shepherd. Black German Shepherd and German shepherd breeding are beginning the first time in Germany with their name.
Moreover, due to the similarity in breeding standards, black German shepherds and German shepherds have common temperament points. Moreover, because of recessive genes, black German shepherds are more dominant and attractive than other dogs. Another reason for the black color is the presence of black pigment.
What Is A Black German Shepherd?
Moreover, the black German Shepherd’s solid black coat is due to the merely dominant gene. Dogs are very loyal and loving animals. All dogs, no matter what breed they are, they are capable of loving and being faithful. A dog is known to be a man’s best friend for a reason.
And that reason is the unconditional love, care, and honesty that a man receives from his dog. Here I mention the complete information about the black Gs breed, temperament, and breeding guide and its comparison with the black wolf.
See Also:
- Black and White German Shepherd
- Black German Shepherd eyes
- Female Black German Shepherd
- The All Black German Shepherd [Things You Must Know 2021]
BGS Breeds
There is a big misconception that a Black German Shepherd is not purebred but crossbred. That is wrong and nothing but a myth. Some people say that its black color is due to a defect in the breed. Black German Shepherd is crossbred, nor is there any defect in the kind.
German Shepherds are mostly found in black and tan color. There are recessive or dominant genes in some German Shepherds. Those who carry these genes tend to give birth to all black puppies. These genes can do it even if the father dog or mother dog has a lesser black portion in their fur than the tan color. But to produce all black puppies, both parents should have recessive genes in them.
Black German Shepherd, A Rare Breed:
It is sporadic for parents to have recessive genes; Hence, Black German Shepherd is a scarce race. And this rarity adds up to its price and makes it an expensive kind.
Since people have learned that the black color is not due to any defect or cross mating, the Black German Shepherd’s demand has increased, making it costly.
Where Did Black German Shepherd Originate?
As the name suggests, German Shepherds originated from Germany. Black German Shepherd is a German shepherd but only black. It has the traits of a standard German shepherd. Germany used to have a range of herding dogs in the 1800s. Back then, German shepherds were not bred to be working dogs.
The most common dog to herd sheep in northwest Europe during the 1800 s was known as the “continental shepherd dog.” The dogs in the three countries of northwestern Europe, i.e., Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands, looked very similar.
People started to regulate dog breeds during the 1850’s time. Dogs were being bred to herd sheep and protect the flocks from predators. Shepherds in the local communities were selecting and breeding dogs. They are required to have the skills for herding sheep like intelligence, strength, a strong sense of smell, and speed.

BGS in Germany
A society name as Phylax Society was formed in 1891 to standardize dogs’ breeding plans in Germany. The community is established to promote the breeding dogs as working dogs, teach the traits that the shepherds require, and focus on their appearance. The society dissolved after three years due to the members’ internal conflicts, and the people had started to breed dogs independently.
Captain Max Von Stephanitz was a cavalry officer in Germany and an ex-member of the Phylax Society. He was of the view that the dogs should be bred to be working dogs. Dogs are brilliant animals; hence, he was very enthralled to see the existing herding dogs’ forte and traits. He buys a dog with the name HektorLinksrhein from a dog show in 1899 and later changed its name to Horand von Grafrath. Horand was the first-named German shepherd dog.
The German shepherd was not only bred to be a herding dog; later, it was bred to be a working dog. It served in the army and the police as well. The German shepherds participate in the First World War during 1914. It gains popularity during the war due to its enthusiastic attitude and strength. After the return from the war, soldiers spoke high of its gallantry.
Black German Shepherd in the UK
In 1919, the UK Kennel started accepting registrations of dogs. Initially, 54 dogs were registered, and the number increase to over 8,000 at the end of 1926. The first German shepherd dog to be logged in the United States was named Queen of Switzerland.
Unfortunately, her offspring suffer many defects due to poor breeding, and the breed suffered a decline in its popularity after the First World War due to its association with Germany. The UK Kennel renamed the kind to “Alsatian” to eliminate the apostasy with the war. In 2010, the name changed to the original name “German Shepherd.”
Details on the appearance of a Black German Shepherd dog:
The Black German Shepherds are not different from standard German Shepherds. They carry the same qualities, temperament, loyalty, and appearance, as standard GS. The only difference between the two breeds is their color.
Length and weight
They are generally large as compare to the standard German shepherds. A male Black German Shepherd is 24-26 inches tall and weighs approximately 65 to 90 pounds.
On the other hand, a female Black German Shepherd is 22-24 inches tall and weighs 50-75 pounds around. Black German Shepherds are more in Length as compare to height. Their weight can quickly go up to 100 pounds.
The banana back
Unlike standard German shepherds, Black German Shepherds have a straighter back. A few have the banana again, which causes problems for them, just like German shepherds. Black German Shepherds don’t have a completely straight back, but relatively straighter.
How big do Black German Shepherds get?
The black German shepherd is larger dogs than others. Almost all the black German shepherds are similar in size, but some are bigger than others.
Most of the time, the adult black Germans’ height is 24 to 26 inches or 61 to 66 centimeters. Moreover, the weight of adult black Gs is 50 to 69 pounds or 29 to 41 kg.
Most of the time, the adult black Germans’ height is 24 to 26 inches or 61 to 66 centimeters. Moreover, the weight of adult black Gs is 50 to 69 pounds or 29 to 41 kg.
Black German Shepherd coat types
Black German Shepherds have double coat fur. The inner side has soft hair, and the outer side has thick, dense fur. The neck area has more hair as compared to the rest of the body. The texture of the hair can be wavy or straight. Black German Shepherds have four types of coats. They can be:
- Short hair with undercoat
- Medium hair with undercoat
- Long hair with undercoat
- Long hair without an undercoat
1 – Short hair with undercoat:
As the name suggests, a short hair undercoat indicates that the dogs with this type of coat have shorter hair, approximately one inch. The undercoat helps the dogs to survive in cold weather. It works as an insulator and provides extra heat to the body. It is also convenient to groom dogs with short hair.
2 – Medium hair with undercoat:
Medium hair undercoats have longer hair slightly as compared to short hair. The Length of this type of hair ranges between 1 to 2 inches. This type of hair coat is more silky and fuller. Just like the undercoat of short hair, the undercoat of medium Length also serves as an insulator.
3 – Long hair with undercoat:
Only as the name indicates, long hair with undercoat dogs has long hair compared to the other two. The hair’s texture is thicker and longer and tufts around the tail, ears, and back of the legs. The function of the undercoat is the same in this type, as well. The Length of the hair is around 2 inches approximately.
4 – Long hair without undercoat:
Dogs without an undercoat are not able to warm themselves in the cold season. Moreover, the texture of the hair is softer as compared to the long hair with an undercoat. People living in colder areas should avoid getting a dog without an undercoat.
The Average Age of Black German Shepherds:
Black German shepherd puppies have a different color when they are born. It’s usually grey, white, or black. They get their adult color after eight weeks of age. A young Black German Shepherd reaches its full-grown size any time between the ages of 18 months to 2 years.
A Black German Shepherd has a lifespan of around 9 to 13 years. The longest-living dog of this breed lived for 18 years or maybe older. A dog can live longer if it’s properly taken care of by giving proper diet, veterinary care, hygiene, and exercise.
By two years of age, Black German Shepherd dogs are ready to mate. That is the earliest age for breeding Black German Shepherds, both males and females. By this time, they have reached sexual maturity. A female Black German Shepherd may experience her first heat cycle at an early age at six months. But it is recommended to avoid breeding for at least two heat cycles.
The reason to prevent breeding until the age of 2 years is to protect the dog’s health. Breeding too early can create confusion among the dogs and might affect their mental health. The maximum age for a female dog to be bred is eight years. Both mothers and puppies face plenty of issues if bred too early or bred after eight years of age.
What Diet should give to Black German Shepherd Breed?
A Black German Shepherd dog is big; it’s muscular and strong. It needs proper nutrition and Diet to maintain its health. A Black German Shepherd puppy should have at least four meals a day. As they grow, the number of meals reduced gradually. A Black German Shepherd should take 2-3 meals a day at the age of 6 months. As they grow and become adults, the meals will be reduced further and maintained at two meals a day.
A male puppy needs 2,200 to 3,000 calories a day, and a female puppy needs 1,700 to 2,500 calories a day. As the puppies grow older and become adults, the calorie intake has to be reduced to 1,300 to 1,800 calories for male adult dogs and 1,000 to 1,500 calories for female adult dogs.
The main question is, what to feed and how much to feed? How to figure out how much amount of protein, fats, and carbohydrates should be given to your dog to make it healthy and maintain its health? An adult dog needs 1.20 grams of protein per pound of their body weight and 0.60 grams of fat per pound. Carbohydrates are not very important for your dog’s health. Most people give carbs as fillers so that the dog doesn’t feel hungry soon.
What To Feed?
Owning a Black German Shepherd dog isn’t easy. You need to take care of it, just like a baby. They have a very fragile digestive system and need monitoring regularly. You can’t feed them anything and everything. There are certain dos and don’ts when it comes to feeding a Black German Shepherd breed.
The Diet, which gives to the Black German Shepherd dogs, plays a vital role in their physical development and mental development. A nutritious diet is essential to increase their life expectancy.
Rice and Ragi
Ragi is a fiber-enriched whole grain and contains calcium, vitamin D, and amino acids. Rice and ragi are the perfect Food for the Black German Shepherds’ which have a weak digestive system, an excellent source of energy for dogs.
Mixing the ragi with steamed white rice and serve it to your dog. This dish is easily chewable and comfortable on the stomach.
Milk is essential for the breed of Black German Shepherd dogs. It is the primary source of calcium, which is a fundamental requirement of this breed. It avoids arthritis and tooth decay in them. Including Milk in their, Diet is the best thing to do for them.
All dogs love oatmeal. It is a hearty and healthy meal for them. But make sure not to add salt or sugar to it. You can give them a bowl of porridge once or twice a week.
Meat is the only source of protein for dogs. Give them cooked pieces of Meat that they can chew comfortably. Give them ground meat cooked properly but without seasoning. You can provide them with any meat like beef, lamb, or even chicken. Add a piece of bread with the Meat to make it fulfilling for them.
Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are not only for humans; animals can have them too. Even though Black German Shepherds are predatory animals, they eat certain fruits and vegetables beneficial for them. The quantities have to monitor.
They can eat apples, pears, strawberries, cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, potatoes, and many other fruits and vegetables.
Don’t Use the following Diets.
Do not add salt to their food.
Never add salt to the food you give to Black German Shepherds breed. Salt causes hair fall in this breed. It triggers shedding, and they will end up losing hair all over your house.
Do not give them nuts.
Nuts are not suitable for their fur. It causes hair to fall in them. Nuts contain a high concentration of salt, which causes hair to fall.
Do not give raw Meat.
Raw Meat is difficult to digest and hard on their stomachs. It can cause fermentation in the stomach, and the dog might end up having a severe stomach infection. Always give cooked Meat and that too in small pieces that can easily chew.
Do not give grains.
Grains like wheat, corn, and soy cause constipation in dogs. They have high levels of starch in them, which causes illness. It makes their stomach bloated, and the dog might feel lethargic and irritable.
Do not give fish bones.
Do not ever provide fish bones to the dog. They might choke on it or might damage their gums due to its sharpness. Always give more prominent bones to them, which they can enjoy for a more extended period. Try to avoid giving them small or sharp bones.
Do not give lentils.
Lentils are also not suitable for the Black German Shepherd breed. They also cause constipation and various stomach infections for them. Lentils have proved to be disastrous for dogs.
Commercial Dog food
There is ready-made food available in the market for dogs. Dog food was first invented in England around 1860 by a businessman named James Spratt. When he saw dogs being fed leftover biscuits, he formulated a dog biscuit, which was a mix of wheat, vegetables, and beef blood. Since then, ready-made dog food has been doing its rounds all over the world.
Ready-made dog food or commercial dog food is of three types.
- Dry food
- Canned
- Semi-moist
Dry Food
Dry food is the most economical option and is considered the best in terms of nutrition. Because of its low price, many owners choose it for their dogs. It is easy to store as well.
As the digestive system of Black German Shepherds is very fragile, dry dog food has been formulated, keeping that in mind with added nutrients to keep the dog’s teeth safe from plaque and tartar. Always look for dog food, which is high in protein instead of sugar.
Canned food
Canned food is also known as wet food. Since it is highly water-based, dogs love to have it. It is a little expensive, though. And because it has more water in it, it has to be fed in larger quantities to fulfill the requirements of nutrients for their health. Not all canned foods are high in protein, and the ones who have protein in them are questionable as to if it is suitable for the dog’s fragile digestive system.
The third type is known as semi-moist, shaped like bones, steaks, burgers or pork chops, etc. This type is the unhealthiest one as it contains lots of artificial colorings and flavors, a minimal amount of nutrients in them. Some include a very high quantity of sugar in them, which is harmful to the dog’s teeth and can trigger other health issues like diabetes or obesity. These can use as a dog treat for special occasions or for accomplishing a goal.
All about the temperament of Black German Shepherds
Black German Shepherds are working dogs, though they are usually misunderstood for being guard dogs. They can protect because that is in their nature and if appropriately trained, but they are not guarding dogs.
The black German Shepherd is a herding breed, which means it trained to herd flocks of sheep in the olden days. They are brilliant, obedient, loyal, and very alert breed. They can figure out very quickly if something unusual is happening around them.
Is The Black Color Effect The GS Temperament?
Their striking behavior and abilities strongly impact the black color of the black GS. Other behavioral aspects of black GS are similar to the German Shepherd. So over black color doesn’t create any negative qualities in black Gs. Overall they are family, guard, loving, and loyal dogs.
One Dog Different Job
There are several qualities in one dog. However, black German Shepherd is fit for police activities, military purposes, search, and security team workers. Moreover, you can also see that a black German shepherd is used in the K9 unit of the army.
Army chooses black Gs instead of others due to this unique quality like fear-free, obedient, and intelligent. However, due to these impressive and beneficial qualities, black German shepherds get the number 2 ranking and most popular dogs in the United States.
In addition to other qualities, black German shepherds are active and well energetic dogs. They are true breeder has come with excellent tempo and cleverness. More the running speed of the dogs is much faster than others which are approximately 30 mph or 48 km/h. The jumping ability of black GS is 5 feet to 1.5 meters.
Moreover, the dog is also likes swimming in the lakes and short hikes. However, in addition to physical activities, dogs are also demanding mental exercise, keeping the dog active.
Quick learning abilities
There are very smart followers of their master at an early age, so training a black German Shepherd is easier than other dogs. At their early age, obedience training is included in their learning schedule.
More social grooming and friends and family interactions are includes in their early age learning.
They are loving and loyal.
The black German Shepherd is a very loving and loyal breed. They might look aggressive, but in reality, they are not. That is a family-oriented breed.
You bring in a Black German Shepherd to your house, and they will mix up with you and your family in no time. Just like standard German Shepherds, Black German Shepherds are life companions.
A companion for life
Black German Shepherds can adapt to the new environment and get used to it quickly. You feel alone and need a companion at home to wait for you? Get yourself a Black German Shepherd dog, and your life will be full of love. If you train them properly, they can even look after your sleeping baby or children playing in the backyard.
This breed is perfect for being around children. They are so loving and caring that they can melt your heart. They can even help you around the house and fetch you the newspaper or the remote control to the television. All they need is to be well-trained in every way you want them to be.
A guide dog
Black German Shepherds are a great help for the blind and visually impaired people as well. They can navigate them through the paths, they can help them fetch things, and they can alert them when in trouble. They can also assist other disabled persons.
For this purpose, the breed has to go through various pieces of training, and they have to socialize in different environments. These dogs start their training when they are small puppies.
They are placed at a foster family or in the home of a volunteer ready to train. This training is for about a year, and it develops the dog’s social skills.
After this, the dog is sent to a professional trainer who makes him go through advanced training to learn obedience, navigating hurdles, and other skills. During this time, the dogs are trained to wear a U-shape harness, which is a part of their job while providing mobility services to their owners.
After this intense training, Black German Shepherds start working with the visually impaired person in the instructor’s presence.
This training is in-house training done to make the dog familiar with the home and a “get to know” period for both owner and dog.
A service dog
Black German Shepherd dogs make great service dogs. This breed participated in the First World War, and the soldiers spoke highly of its prowess. Since then, they are being trained for the military, police, assisting in bomb detections, and even sniffing to catch narcotics.
Black German Shepherds are very intelligent and possess strong work ethics. They are physically quick and have a high energy level. All these qualities make it an excellent choice for several jobs.
Training a Black German shepherd
Training a dog is an essential task. An untrained dog is just like an uneducated child. You want to train your dog your way, according to your household and your needs. You have to start preparing your Black German Shepherd dog as soon as possible to make it get used to the new home.
Black German Shepherds are very adaptable to change. They accept the new environment quite swiftly. It is imperative to make the dog feel loved and wanted because this is the first time it is away from its pack; mother, brothers, and sisters.
Black German Shepherds require time and attention from their owners. They need a proper course and devotion. Training is the way to communicate with your dog through spoken words and hand signals. Black German Shepherds are incredibly obedient. But they have to be trained to listen to their masters.
The owners have to invest time in them to make them the way they desire. Training should not be limited to a specific time slot; it should go on around during the whole day. They learn something new with each passing moment.
It is essential to make your Black German Shepherd dog socialize. The more your dog will socialize, the more he will be comfortable around people. Make him meet all sorts of people; tall, short, fat, slim, old, young, and children as well. Dogs can get irritated by having children around. The dog trained to exit that situation and go to its safe place instead of barking at the children.
Black German Shepherds are highly active. They need at least 60 minutes of exercise every day. Take them out in the park, out on a walk, play ball, or go hike up the mountains. They need an activity to utilize their energy.
Become the leader
You have to become the leader once your Black German Shepherd puppy arrives at his new home. If there are more family members, then decide who is going to take the lead. That is a crucial step in training your dog. The dog has to know who the leader is; if he doesn’t get that feeling, he’ll think of himself as a leader, and that is where the complications will start.
To let the dog know who the leader is, the leader must be stern and exude confidence. It doesn’t mean that the dog must scold or yelled. If the dog yells at him, he will develop a sense of fear and will become defensive. Teach your dog with love and care and let them enjoy your presence instead of being harsh with them so that they might get agitated having you around.
Dog’s own space, a dog house
Black German Shepherds don’t like to tie to a wall. Sometimes the owner needs a break or has to leave the house. A puppy cannot be left alone untied in the place. For this purpose, introduce a crate or a dog house to your puppy.
Black German Shepherds are den animals. They love to be in their own space to sleep and rest. They find cozy spots to relax, like under the table or behind the couch. If you don’t have a dog house, you can make a crate look like one by adding a cozy soft blanket with their favorite toy or a dog treat for them to enjoy for a while.
Introducing a crate is not going to scare your dog away, but it will save your stuff from them as they grow. Black German Shepherds love to chew on shoes, slippers, furniture, and anything lying in front of them. A crate is beneficial in many ways, especially when you have to get the house chores done or move your dog from one place to another.
Basic training:
Dogs can be trained anyway, from basic level to advanced levels. It is up to you what type of exercise you want to give to your dog and how much time you would like to invest in it. The basics which you want to teach your dog are:
- Potty training
- Sitting
- How to stay
- How to come to you when its name called
- When you come home, Not to jump
- Not to chew on the furniture
- Train not to bite you
- Avoid unwantedly bark
- How to protect
Black German Shepherds can teach regular stay-at-home pets with any level of expertise to being hired in police or military. Moreover, It involves a lot of endurance and determination to train Black German Shepherds. Reward them when they do something praiseworthy. They seek attention from their owners, and when they don’t get it, they get upset.
Black German Shepherds and their grooming
When you start training your Black German Shepherd puppies, start grooming them at the same time so that they get used to it till the time they are growing up. Black German Shepherd dogs have a double coat, long to small length fur. It needs to be grooming daily by brushing it; otherwise, it will get tangled and dirty. However, If your dog doesn’t go out much, cleaning them twice a week is sufficient.
Bath your Black German Shepherd dogs once a month or once every three months. Excessive bathing might make their skin dry and harm their fur, causing hair loss. If your dog has caught fleas, then use anti-flea spray or shampoo. Always use mild shampoos for bathing Black German Shepherd dogs.
Get dog-friendly toothpaste and brush to clean your dog’s teeth. Black German Shepherds are prone to tooth decay and plaque due to the food they consume. It’s better to check their teeth regularly and clean them to avoid tooth decay.
Check the toenails and trim them every week – an essential part of their grooming. Long toenails can harm the owners and the dog as well when they scratch themselves.
Moreover, there are commercial dog nail cutters available in the market. Nail trimming can be done at home by you, by the professional dog groomers, and by the vets as well. Nails have to be trimmed very carefully because cutting them too deep might injure the dog.
Check your dog’s ears frequently because wax develops in the ears very quickly. Do not use water to clean your dog’s ears because it can enter the ear canal and create an infection in it. Use wax drops to clean the wax.
Health of Black German Shepherds dogs
It is a myth that Black German Shepherd dogs are facing more health problems. Just like standard German shepherd dogs, Black German Shepherd dogs experience the same health issues. Their black color has no specific disease associated with it. The most common illnesses that Black German Shepherds experience are:
Hip dysplasia:
Abnormal development in the hip can result in the weakening of the hip bones and becoming arthritic. Possibly cause disability in the dogs. Moreover, It happens due to the rapid growth in large breeds like Black German Shepherds. It can manage through medication and therapies, and sometimes surgery is need as well.
Arthritis in Black German Shepherds affects hundreds of dogs every year. It is the degeneration of joints, which is very painful. Due to the extreme pain, the dogs find great difficulty in moving. Arthritis can treat through both medicines and surgery, but surgery is pretty expensive.
Chronic degenerative radiculomyelopathy is when nerve cells in the spinal cord die that carry messages from the limbs to the brain. It causes hind limb paralysis causing difficulty in movements. Moreover, treatment is available in the form of both medication and surgery.
Cauda equine syndrome:
This disease affects the back of the dogs and compression of nerves. Moreover, it causes pain along the back to the hips till the tail. It can be treated through medication and therapies.
Pet animal needs time and attention. It is unfair to bring a pet to our family and don’t provide it with what it requires. Adopting a pet is just like having a baby at your home. You have to look after it and nourish it. You have to give the best to it; let it be your time, let it be food, or let it be the training you provide.
Moreover, dogs can’t talk, but they show their love through their gestures. It feels so good coming home to a friendly pet that waits for you the whole day and then wiggles its tail in excitement. They wait for you to shower your love on them, and they reciprocate similarly. So we can say that the best part of having a pet is having a life companion.
Moreover, the black German Shepherd is a rare breed that is courageous, intelligent, and loving. They can protect their family and home very well when in danger. They can fight till the end to guard their loved ones. If training is doing correctly, they can perform in a better way.
They are the perfect breed to help the blind, people who face visual disturbance, and other disabled persons. A black German Shepherd is a friend for life. This breed can give so much love. The best it can provide is its loyalty, and that’s a guarantee.
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